Canberra’s own start-up competing at world championships in China

The QuestaGame Team. From left to right: David Haynes, Michelle Gordon, Mallika Robinson, Andrew Robinson, and Elliott Osbourne (absent: Sean Wei and Priyank Tiwari).

The QuestaGame Team. From left to right: David Haynes, Michelle Gordon, Mallika Robinson, Andrew Robinson, and Elliott Osbourne (absent: Sean Wei and Priyank Tiwari).

Canberra based tech start-up QuestaGame will be competing against some of the world’s most promising early stage companies in Shanghai in mid-October. The Create@Alibaba Cloud Startup Contest, will see competitors pitching their company to media and venture capital investors from around the world.

David Haynes of QuestaGame accepting a large novelty cheque upon qualifying for the global final.

David Haynes of QuestaGame accepting a large novelty cheque upon qualifying for the global final.

The local team won their place at the global finals through a strong performance at the Australia and New Zealand Division finals at Haymarket HQ in September. "We are excited to have had some of Australia and New Zealand’s best startups pitch, ” says Duco van Breemen, Haymarket HQ general manager. "We can’t wait to see what the future beholds for the winners.”

“The calibre of talent in Australia and New Zealand is both inspiring and impressive. It’s been a pleasure to expand the Create@Alibaba Cloud programme to the A/NZ region this year for the first time,” says Raymond Ma, Alibaba Cloud ASEAN and ANZ head.

QuestaGame is a mobile game that gets people engaging with, learning about, and protecting the environment. Players submit photos of plants and animals, receive fast and accurate identifications, and are rewarded so they are motivated to keep discovering more. The resulting biodiversity records are shared with biodiversity researchers.

“I can’t wait to share our vision with the world,” says David Haynes, Co-Founder of QuestaGame.”Rather than using technology to distract people from nature, we are empowering them to engage with it. It’s exactly what our world needs right now. Anyone can download and play the game for free. We make our money selling subscription packages to organisations that want their get their communities outdoors and helping to protect our environment.”

This week kids across Victoria are competing in QuestaGame's Junior Rangers Spring BioQuest, sponsored by Parks Victoria. In its first week, the event has already mapped over 140 species in 15 different national and state parks, with over 3000 sightings and expert identifications.

You can download QuestaGame from iTunes or Google Play and/or subscribe your organisation to a Biodiversity Gaming Package via

QuestaGame has grown out of a Canberra-based startup hub, Entry29, which offers co-working spaces in both Civic and Belconnen.


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