The 2019 mission is complete. Well done Questers!





Explore sightings by location

Map shows the latest featured sightings. Please wait a moment for markers to load. Locations are rough estimations only.

Top Organisations (Identifications)

1. Birdlife Australia
831 correct IDs

2. Atlas of Living Australia
684 correct IDs

3. Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC)
578 correct IDs

4. Fungimap
534 correct IDs

5. Cooloola Coast Care
421 correct IDs


State & Territory Leaderboard


Top Spotters

1. Western Australia
score 53,853

2. Queensland
score 42,934

3. New South Wales
score 20,421

4. Victoria
score 14,196

5. South Australia
score 14,091

6. Northern Territory
score 1,367

7. Australian Capital Territory
score 383

8. Tasmania
score 66


1. WarrigalWanderer
score 4,712

2. Bdano
score 4,085

3. Poogi59
score 2,928

4. Penelope
score 2,479

5. Angela Moncrieff
score 1,847



1. Greggo
score 13,361

2. WestOzPathfinder
score 11,027

3. Jenal
score 7,537

4. LadyRobyn
score 7,285

5. Jordana1971
score 4,208


1. Austin
score 4,996

2. Adam
score 2,817

3. Poogi59
score 2,127

4. Nature Lover
score 1,130

5. Kieran
score 737



1. Mojo
score 44

2. Hannah Colbourn
score 22


1. cwpaine
score 16,875

2. Ben Revell
score 6,290

3. Grisper
score 4,888

4. ChelonaJill
score 4,209

5. Penelope
score 3,427



1. Fiona
score 473

2. Gaschk113
score 282

3. theanimalteam
score 246

4. kingfisherchaser
score 238

5. emmy
score 128


1. TheBirdInvestig8
score 4,465

2. octonaughts
score 1,604

3. Poogi59
score 1,599

4. Regb
score 1,332

5. HappyChaos
score 1,214



1. SupersTaryn
score 135

2. Ingrid
score 109

3. Marina
score 47

4. Gdub
score 39

5. Scientist dude
score 38


Overall leaderboards

Top Spotters

1. cwpaine
score 16,875

2. Greggo
score 13,361

3. WestOzPathfinder
score 11,027

4. Jenal
score 7,537

5. LadyRobyn
score 7,285

6. Ben Revell
score 6,290

7. Austin
score 4,996

8. Grisper
score 4,888

9. WarrigalWanderer
score 4,712

10. Poogi59
score 4,527

Top Identifiers

1. Torchic
score 20,784

2. Austin
score 19,942

3. LadyRobyn
score 18,270

4. cwpaine
score 11,194

5. David
score 10,697

6. ChelonaJill
score 10,511

7. octonaughts
score 10,424

8. Steve Pearson
score 6,169

9. Grisper
score 5,510

10. WestOzPathfinder
score 5,314

Most Spotted

1. Australian Magpie

2. Willie Wagtail

3. Laughing Kookaburra

4. Rainbow Lorikeet

5. Noisy Miner

6. Butterflies and moths

7. Magpielark

8. Crested Pigeon

9. Australian Wood Duck

10. Western honey bee

Top Sightings

1. Oriental Pratincole
Greggo - score 801

2. Bassian Thrush
Greg McCroary - score 640

3. Celaenia
Ben Revell - score 602

4. Syzygium glenum
Tim - score 591

5. Octopus cyanea
WestOzPathfinder - score 576

6. Rainbow Bee-eater
Palmares - score 567

7. Wedge-tailed Eagle
Greggo - score 547

8. southern right whale
Nature Lover - score 526

9. Epinephelus polyphekadion
WestOzPathfinder - score 521

10. Black Kite
HisDaughter - score 499


Featured sightings


    It's FREE to join the adventure! 

    Anyone can join the Great Aussie BioQuest. Simply play QuestaGame during National Science Week (10-18 August, 2019).   Download the QuestaGame app and submit sightings of the life you find (animals, plants or fungi) within Australia. Or you can ID sightings through the app, or in QuestaGame's Bio-Expertise Engine.

    Share your adventures with the #greataussiebioquest and #scienceweek hashtags on social media!

    BioQuest Logo with QG.png

    Which state will be crowned Champions?

    Champion State - Highest overall score for all sightings submitted within the state or territory's borders.

    Rewards for conservation partners

    Pays to Know Nature Bonuses

    The Australian organisation whose network score the highest for combined correct identifications will earn a Pays to Know Nature bonus of $100.


    This National Science Week is supported by the Australian Government, with prizes sponsored by National Science Week grants.

    Know your Quokkas from your Quolls?

    That's great! Then why not identify sightings through the Bio-Expertise Engine? You'll be helping budding naturalists learn, and ensuring high quality data for research (see QuestaGame's data on You'll could even win the Champion Identifier prize!

    And why not choose an Australian environmental group as your cause through our Pays to Know Nature Fund? You'll be earning them rewards for each correct ID you provide.

    QuestaGame's conservation partners: