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Together we can make a difference, exploring nature, having fun and helping Australia better understand and protect its precious biodiversity.

Est. physical health care savings
Est. mental health productivity gain

Wellbeing and Health Report, Landcare and KPMG, 2022





Nature data shared with the Atlas of Living Australia.


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Lots of numbers being crunched.
(Nature is complex!).

Top BioScores*

1. Douglas
score 11236

2. Brisbane
score 7586

3. Yarra Ranges
score 4665

4. Unincorporated NT
score 4596

5. Greater Perth
score 3468

6. Nillumbik
score 3466

7. Mareeba
score 3305

8. Sunshine Coast / Kabi Kabi / Jinibara
score 3278

9. MacDonnell
score 3101

10. Katherine
score 2990

*Normalised for population

Top spotters in top scoring councils


1. The Owl Whisperer
score 50,804

2. PerniciousPython
score 23,505

3. CooperSnake
score 12,800

4. Mialloplayer4
score 10,759

5. SpiderPig
score 9,698


Greater Perth

1. Paul_Fiona_Rose_Grace_Rob
score 62,569

2. nhr
score 27,633

3. TomSikora
score 7,806

4. Midge
score 6,481

5. LadyRobyn
score 2,394


1. jank
score 152,276

2. Future Scientist
score 33,848

3. Shiarak
score 10,327

4. Tashaa
score 4,476

5. Amphibiaphiles
score 4,470



1. NoddingGreenHood
score 13,162

2. froggggggggggggggggg
score 9,011

3. FibbyFobby
score 8,287

4. Jesshlab
score 7,226

5. r@ndom
score 7,171

Yarra Ranges

1. Kieranimolicious
score 495,065

2. nomadcam
score 436,720

3. aviennitens
score 166,569

4. Fonibear
score 48,964

5. HomeschoolMushroom Finders
score 16,538



1. floozy
score 28,955

2. JimboSlice
score 5,184

3. The Owl Whisperer
score 5,117

4. cookies
score 4,815

5. PerniciousPython
score 4,470

Unincorporated NT

1. Lukeenright123
score 33,411

2. islandchild
score 12,424

3. Surfap
score 7,906

4. PinkCrocs
score 5,681

5. kingfisherchaser
score 4,604


Sunshine Coast / Kabi Kabi / Jinibara

1. jank
score 3,079

2. Cordial
score 1,075

3. KelVel
score 672

4. MagpieMan
score 559

5. MiaTallTrees2022
score 224

Map shows the latest featured sightings. Please wait a moment for markers to load. Locations are rough estimations only.

Overall leaderboards

Top Spotters

1. KatieS
score 369,953

2. jank
score 180,233

3. Lukeenright123
score 155,241

4. Paul_Fiona_Rose_Grace_Rob
score 112,268

5. Sarah Chaplin
score 76,814

6. Bella26
score 72,782

7. The Owl Whisperer
score 66,020

8. Mog
score 63,705

9. floozy
score 60,636

10. Flip21
score 58,212

Top Identifiers

1. KatieS
score 201,305

2. Lukeenright123
score 104,380

3. jank
score 100,700

4. octonaughts
score 95,971

5. Sarah Chaplin
score 84,272

6. Paul_Fiona_Rose_Grace_Rob
score 74,473

7. The Owl Whisperer
score 70,308

8. Bella26
score 44,094

9. PerentieMan55
score 40,658

10. Lani
score 36,423

Most Spotted

1. Australian Magpie

2. Plantae

3. Australian Wood Duck

4. Magpielark

5. Australian White Ibis

6. Gray Duck

7. Dusky Moorhen

8. Eastern Swamphen

9. Western honey bee

10. Noisy Miner

Top Sightings

1. Istiophorus platypterus
Flip21 - score 3,627

2. Cheilinus undulatus
Lani - score 2,705

3. Plectropomus laevis
Lani - score 2,671

4. Chaetodon lineolatus
Lani - score 2,598

5. Amphiprion perideraion
Lani - score 2,555

6. Cetoscarus ocellatus
Lani - score 2,554

7. Cheilinus undulatus
Flip21 - score 2,549

8. Naso unicornis
Lani - score 2,443

9. Acanthocybium solandri
Flip21 - score 2,440

10. Cetoscarus ocellatus
Lani - score 2,416


Featured sightings