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Top Spotters - Teams
1. Whitfield State School
score 105,758
2. John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets
score 52,024
3. Coffs Harbour CCS - Green
score 17,684
4. Freshwater State School OSHC
score 16,075
5. Dalby State School
score 14,731
6. Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow
score 13,015
7. The Study Anywhere Team
score 13,009
8. Edge Hill State School
score 10,189
9. Scott Creek Primary School
score 9,218
10. Northern NSW
score 4,727
Top IDers - Teams
1. John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets
Correct IDs 119
2. Scott Creek Primary School
Correct IDs 113
3. Northern NSW
Correct IDs 104
4. Whitfield State School
Correct IDs 82
5. Dalby State School
Correct IDs 43
6. The Study Anywhere Team
Correct IDs 37
7. Coffs Harbour CCS - Green
Correct IDs 19
8. Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow
Correct IDs 19
9. Freshwater State School OSHC
Correct IDs 7
10. The Aussies
Correct IDs 7
Correct Identifications - Top Teams
1. John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets
Correct IDs 119
2. Scott Creek Primary School
Correct IDs 113
3. Northern NSW
Correct IDs 104
4. Whitfield State School
Correct IDs 82
5. Dalby State School
Correct IDs 43
6. The Study Anywhere Team
Correct IDs 37
7. Coffs Harbour CCS - Green
Correct IDs 19
8. Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow
Correct IDs 19
9. Freshwater State School OSHC
Correct IDs 7
10. The Aussies
Correct IDs 7
11. Peace Lutheran College
Correct IDs 2
12. Coffs Harbour CCS - Blue
Correct IDs 2
13. Edge Hill State School
Correct IDs 2
14. Cindys Family Day Care
Correct IDs 1
15. Frederick Irwin HH
Correct IDs 1
16. Alexandra Bay State School
Correct IDs 1
17. St Andrew's Scientists
Correct IDs 1
18. Bundanoon Public School
Correct IDs 1
Top Spotters
1. Flip21
(Whitfield State School)
score 91,709
2. Animalia
(John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
score 52,024
3. Bazman2011
(Dalby State School)
score 14,731
4. Alisdair
(The Study Anywhere Team)
score 11,936
5. NowUseeT
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Green)
score 10,149
6. The Pekin Bantams
(Scott Creek Primary School)
score 9,218
7. DaisyDoDo
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow)
score 7,915
8. Pinecones
(Freshwater State School OSHC)
score 5,277
9. Tera
(Northern NSW)
score 4,727
10. whittab3
(Whitfield State School)
score 4,130
Top Identifiers
1. Animalia
(John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
score 130,842
2. Alisdair
(The Study Anywhere Team)
score 13,324
3. Bazman2011
(Dalby State School)
score 11,891
4. DaisyDoDo
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow)
score 6,006
5. NowUseeT
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Green)
score 5,912
6. Tera
(Northern NSW)
score 5,512
7. The Pekin Bantams
(Scott Creek Primary School)
score 5,392
8. Icytrue
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Green)
score 1,305
9. Flip21
(Whitfield State School)
score 1,288
10. Pinecones
(Freshwater State School OSHC)
score 777
Top Sightings
1. Plectropomus maculatus
Flip21 - score 2,593
2. Choerodon cyanodus
Flip21 - score 2,413
3. Pterois volitans
Flip21 - score 2,402
4. Ozimops
bugout - score 2,081
5. Diodon liturosus
Flip21 - score 1,832
6. Sphyrna
Flip21 - score 1,736
7. Short-beaked Echidna
wildside1234 - score 1,719
8. Scomberoides commersonnianus
Flip21 - score 1,692
9. Opistognathus papuensis
Flip21 - score 1,686
10. Cheilinus undulatus
Animalia - score 1,578
Most valuable player
1. Animalia
(John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
score 2,519
2. DaisyDoDo
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Yellow)
score 818
3. Tera
(Northern NSW)
score 814
4. Flip21
(Whitfield State School)
score 684
5. Alisdair
(The Study Anywhere Team)
score 664
6. The Pekin Bantams
(Scott Creek Primary School)
score 635
7. Bazman2011
(Dalby State School)
score 511
8. NowUseeT
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Green)
score 479
9. Pinecones
(Freshwater State School OSHC)
score 418
10. GeckyTheGreat
(Coffs Harbour CCS - Green)
score 390
Latest sightings
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Most Spotted
1. Plantae
2. Bush Stone-curlew
3. Butterflies and moths
4. Fungi
5. Brush Turkey
6. True flies, Mosquitoes and Gnats
7. Araneae
8. Laughing Kookaburra
9. Green tree ant
10. Australian Magpie
Champion Spotters Team
Winner: Whitfield State School
2nd place - John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets
3rd place - Coffs Harbour CCS - Green
Champion Identifiers Team
Winner: John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets
2nd place - Scott Creek Primary School
3rd place - Northern NSW
Most Valuable Player
Winner: Animalia (John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
Total points earned for sightings and IDs divided by number of sightings. Min 10 sightings required.
Champion Spotter
Winner: Flip21 (Whitfield State School)
2nd place - Animalia (John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
3rd place - Bazman2011 (Dalby State School)
Champion Identifier
Winner: Animalia (John Forrest Secondary College Bush Ranger Cadets)
2nd place - Alisdair (The Study Anywhere Team)
3rd place - Bazman2011 (Dalby State School)
Best Find
Winner: Flip21, Plectropomus maculatus
Guardian of the Crocodilia -
A high scoring Bio-NFT -