The Australian Bushfire Recovery BioQuest

Help map the recovery of Australia’s biodiversity.

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These are the April BioQuest Results. Winners to be announced soon!

Australia's Bushfire Zones (see map below). Please ensure the region is declared safe and seek advice from experts as required.

Download the QuestaGame app to start playing or you can help ID sightings from the bushfire zones.

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Top Spotters

1. WarrigalWanderer
score 60,688

2. Aaron
score 41,064

3. KatieS
score 40,592

Top Identifiers

1. WarrigalWanderer
score 34,536

2. Greg McCroary
score 29,706

3. Aaron
score 22,665

Most Spotted

1. Australian Magpie

2. sulphur-crested cockatoo

3. Magpielark

Top Sightings

1. Karaops
Aaron - score 1,070

2. Jotus minutus
Lani - score 962

3. Bavia
Lani - score 962

Some Top Players Who've Visited These Regions

Latest Sightings (loading…)


    Most Valuable Player
    Winner: Greggo
    Total points earned for sightings and IDs divided by number of sightings. Min 4 sightings required.


    Overall Champion Spotter
    Winner: WarrigalWanderer
    Highest overall score for an individual based on sightings submitted.


    Novice Champion Spotter
    Winner:  Aaron
    New players only - highest overall score for an individual based on sightings submitted.


    Overall Champion Identifier
    Winner: Greg McCroary*
    Highest score from correct IDs provided by an individual (for own sightings, or through the in-game QuestaLab, or through the Bio-Expertise Engine) during the competition and until the time that all competition sightings have been verified.


    Novice Champion Identifier
    Winner: KatieS**
    New players only - highest score from correct IDs provided by an individual (for own sightings, or through the in-game QuestaLab, or through the Bio-Expertise Engine) during the competition and until all competition sightings have been verified.


    Best Find
    Winner: Lani for Jotus minutus
    Highest scoring individual sighting.

    Jotus minutus submitted by Lani.

    Jotus minutus submitted by Lani.


    *Second place behind WarrigalWander, but no player is allowed to win two categories.
    **Second place behind Aaron.

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