Identify Sightings

If you can tell a bug from a beetle, or a bird from a bat, why not share your expertise. QuestaGame is supported by a network of professional scientists and amateur naturalists who help identify players’ sightings through our Bio-Expertise Engine.

Once you've registered for the Bio-Expertise Engine,  you can select an environmental organisation.  For every sighting you correctly identify, QuestaGame will make a donation to that organisation on your behalf.  

You can see the latest earnings here - The Pays to Know Nature Fund.

Is your organisation not on the list?

By enrolling your organisation as a partner, people can choose to contribute wildlife expertise on your behalf - which raises funds for your organisation. Every time a member of your community helps verify a sighting on QuestaGame, your organisation earns a donation through our Pays to Know Nature Fund.

Visit the Bio-Expertise Engine (BEE)

Visit the Bio-Expertise Engine (BEE)