ICCB 2017

ICCB 2017





Society for Conservation Biology

Society for Conservation Biology

Can you triumph in a competition to find or identify the life around Cartagena?

The ICCB QuestaGame Challenge is FREE for all ICCB delegates.


Will you be ICCB 2017's 'Champion Spotter', or maybe the 'Champion Identifier'? And it need only take one lucky sighting to win 'Best Find'!  

The challenge is open throughout the congress, and it's so easy to get involved:


Step 1. Download QuestaGame on your phone or tablet, and set-up your account for free (or if you only want to identifying others' sightings, rather than submit any of your own, you can just 'sign-up' through the Bio-Expertise Engine instead).


Step 2. Register here for the ICCB 2017 Challenge.

Must match address used for your QuestaGame account

Step 3. Submit your own sightings using QuestaGame as you explore the surrounds of Cartagena during the ICCB. You can identify your sightings if you know what you are looking at. Your sightings will be verified by experts and you'll receive a score based on your sightings' rarity. Sightings can be submitted from July 23rd till August 1st.

Step 4. Identify others' sightings through the Bio-Expertise Engine (you can sign in with your QuestaGame account). Identification can be made from July 23rd until all eligible sightings are verified.

Have fun exploring nature. And good luck!

Image: Blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna), by Holley and Chris Melton, CC BY-NC.

Image: Blue-and-yellow macaws (Ara ararauna), by Holley and Chris MeltonCC BY-NC.


Champion spotter

  • Individual with the highest overall score based on sightings submitted.

  • Prize = 2-year membership in SCB + 50% discount on your Full Congress Registration to ICCB 2019 or any Section Congress in 2018 (non-transferable). 

Champion identifier

  • Individual who identifies the highest number of unique taxa through QuestaGame's Bio-Expertise Engine.

  • Prize = 2-year membership in SCB + 50% discount on your Full Congress Registration to ICCB 2019 or any Section Congress in 2018 (non-transferable). 

Best find

  • Individual with the highest scoring individual sighting.

  • Prize = 2-year membership in SCB.

QuestaGame Partners

For every sighting correctly identified through QuestaGame’s human-intelligence system, the BioExpertise Engine - or through an official QuestaGame partner site - the Pays to Know Nature Fund makes a donation to the environmental organisation of the participant’s choice. ICCB 2017 delegates will by default have the Society for Conservation Biology as their chosen organisation.

Our full list of partners is below. You can enroll your own organisation here: