The aliens gave us a chance. It’s time now for an intervention.

Profits go toward supporting over 100 conservation organisations.

Each player is assigned one random Power Species Card and one random Civilisation Guardian.

Get in early to reserve your favourite species and guardian

Is my favourite species still available? [Search here]

Choose your Power Card Species.
Choose your Power Guardian.


Choose your Power Card Species.
Get a random Power Guardian.


Choose your Power Guardian
Get a random Power Card Species.

Choose your favourite species & guardian
Choose your favourite species!
Choose your favourite guardian

Choose 3 Power Card Species for 3 players
Choose 3 Power Guardians for 3 players

I just want to support Guardians of Earth to connect young people to nature, while helping protect our planet’s biodiversity.

Bulk purchase
Choose your amount to give

Guardians of Earth is the next generation of QuestaGame.
Your sightings, your battles, your adventure.

All QuestaGame logins will work with Guardians of Earth.
Biodiversity data goes toward scientific research and conservation.

UN Report.png

“We need transformative change - a fundamental, system-wide reorganization across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values” - Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).


Compatible with BioCoin - the coin to save life on Earth.

earthx2 copy.png

Art by Mark Tarrisse

To get this game ready for release, we need your support!


Tell me more!
