The 2018 mission: Map and protect the life of Australia.
Final Results from the 2018 Great Aussie BioQuest
Explore sightings by location
Top Organisations (Identifications)
State & Territory Leaderboard
Top Spotters
1. Queensland
score 58,855
2. Western Australia
score 28,044
3. Northern Territory
score 24,985
4. New South Wales
score 21,136
5. South Australia
score 9,195
6. Victoria
score 9,028
7. Australian Capital Territory
score 2,831
8. Tasmania
score 431
Overall leaderboards
Top Spotters
Top Identifiers
1. Surfap
score 3,679
2. Penelope
score 2,875
3. Robert Whyte
score 2,855
4. Regb
score 2,574
5. linx
score 2,151
6. cwpaine
score 2,080
7. WestOzPathfinder
score 1,893
8. Declan May
score 1,735
9. Whiskers
score 1,597
10. Grisper
score 1,569
Most Spotted
Top Sightings
Featured sightings
Champion State or Territory
score: 58,855
Highest overall score all sightings submitted within the state or territory's borders.
Conservation Partner Reward
score: 281 correct IDs
The Australian organisation whose network score the highest for combined correct identifications will earn a Pays to Know Nature bonus of $100.
Regional bonuses
The Northern Territory based organisations whose networks score the highest for combined correct identifications
Prize: $600
The Australian Capital Territory based organisations whose networks score the highest for combined correct identifications
Prize: $500
Champion Spotter
Highest overall score for an individual based on sightings submitted.
Prize: Australian Geographic Adventure Prize Pack valued at $148.80
Australian Geographic Weekend Travel Bag
AG Book: Australia Gone Wild
AG Polar Fleece S/M or M/L
Australian Animals playing card set
score: 15,104
Champion Identifier
Highest overall score from correct IDs provided by an individual (through the in-game QuestaLab or the QuestaGame's Bio-Expertise Engine) during the competition and until the time that all competition sightings have been verified.
Prize: $50 WISH e-gift card
score: 3,679
score: 2,875
* Note: As the Champion Indentifier has already won a category, the prize has been awarded to a runner-up player as per Great Aussie BioQuest Prizes rules.
Best Find
Highest scoring individual sighting.
Prize: $50 WISH e-gift card
Image: Micromerys raveni by Ben Revell CC BY-NC
score: 933
Micromerys raveni
Active Adventurer Prize Draw
One QuestaGamer who has submitted at least 3 eligible sightings within the competition period, drawn at random.
Prize: $50 Biome Eco-stores online gift card
BONUS prize for Australian Capital Territory:
Champion Spotter
Highest overall score for an individual based on sightings submitted within the ACT
Prize: $50 WISH e-gift card
score: 937
BONUS prize for Australian Capital Territory:
Champion Identifier
Highest overall score from correct IDs, against sightings from the ACT, provided by an individual (through the in-game QuestaLab or the QuestaGame's Bio-Expertise Engine) during the competition and until the time that all competition sightings have been verified
Prize: $50 WISH e-gift card
score: 191
score: 132
* Note: As the ACT Champion Indentifier has already won ACT Champion Spotter, the prize has been awarded to a runner-up player as per Great Aussie BioQuest Prizes rules.
Know your Quokkas from your Quolls?
That's great! Then why not identify sightings through the Bio-Expertise Engine? You'll be helping budding naturalists learn, and ensuring high quality data for research (see QuestaGame's data on You'll could even win the Champion Identifier prize!
And why not choose an Australian environmental group as your cause through our Pays to Know Nature Fund? You'll be earning them rewards for each correct ID you provide.
QuestaGame's conservation partners:
The Great Aussie BioQuest is just one of many QuestaGame BioQuest that you can be a part of. BioQuesting with QuestaGame will empower you to experience, learn about, and protect the diversity of life on Earth. You'll be taken on an adventure into nature, where you'll see the life around you in a whole new light.
experience nature on real outdoor adventures.
learn secrets of the life around you with expert feedback on all your sightings.
help protect the environment
your sightings will contribute to biodiversity research.
your correct IDs will help support QuestaGame's environmental partners (learn how).