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Starting in 2021, QuestaGame is included in the City Nature Challenge, which means you can represent your city by simply playing QuestaGame.

The City Nature Challenge is hosted by the California Academy of Science and teh Los Angeles Natural History Museum. It engages citizens from cities around the world in mapping their local biodiversity, all with the aim of helping to discover, understand, and protect life on this great planet.

It runs from April 30 to 3 May (with identifications up to 9 May) .

Participating Cities in the 2021 City Nature Challenge

(Click on the city to see their challenge page and latest data)

Don’t see your city listed? Would you like to be the city representative? Sign up and we can include your city in the 2022 challenge! Criteria:

1. Must be a level 6 or higher on QuestaGame.

2. Attending monthly virtual meetings in the 3-4 months prior to the challenge.

3. Promoting the event in your area.

4. Agreeing to guidelines around logo use, talking to media, fundraising, partnerships, etc.