Large Earth Bumble Bee
B. terrestris foraging ©entomart
Reward: 50,000 gold
Species: Large Earth Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
Serious Threat: Recently spotted around Sydney, the species is not established on the mainland of Australia and could have major ramifications for the natural environment in NSW and beyond.
Location: Sydney region. Recently spotted in Northern Suburbs.
Description: The queen is between 20–22 mm long, males range from 14–16 mm, and workers from 11–17 mm. Workers have white-ended abdomens.
Important Tips: Best to submit 5 photos from different angles, including an underside ventral view (see below). If safe, catch and store in freezer. Look out for - and photograph - nesting activity if possible. ID Guide - 'How to identify a Bumblebee'.
Award: 50,ooo gold for first 5 sightings anywhere on Australian mainland (not Tasmania). Locations must be accurate and player must be contactable to verify. Only one award per player. Sightings must be separated by 1km or 24 hours.
Indo-Pacific or Fox Gecko
Hemidactylus garnotii ©Jonathan Pugh
Reward: 50,000 gold
Species: Indo-Pacific or Fox Gecko (Hemidactylus garnotii)
Serious Threat: Recently spotted around Sydney, the species is not established in NSW and could have major ramifications for the natural environment in NSW and beyond.
Location: Sydney region, in northern suburb and near central station.
Description: Adults are about 4 to 5 in (10 to 13 cm) in total length (including tail). They are seen as dark gray or brown with light markings in daylight and a pale, translucent colour at night. The belly is orange or yellow. The head has a long, narrow snout, hence the name fox gecko. The flattened tail has a row of spiny scales on the lateral edges. The species is parthenogenic – all individuals are female and lay eggs that hatch without requiring male fertilisation.
Important Tips: If spotted, try to contain them if safe to do so, or call a wildlife handler to capture them.
Award: 50,ooo gold for first 5 sightings anywhere on Australian mainland apart from Queensland or Northern Territory. Locations must be accurate and player must be contactable to verify. Only one award per player. Sightings must be separated by 1km or 24 hours.
Hemidactylus garnotii ©Charliev (found dead)
Hemidactylus garnotii ©Obsidian Soul
Hemidactylus garnotii ©Charliev (found dead)