Final results from The Arachnid Adventure!
Top Spotters
Top Identifiers
Most Spotted
Top Sightings
Special thanks to our dedicated experts, including, but not limited to, and not in any particular order: Ron Atkinson, Volker Framenau, Ed Nieuwenhuys, Mark Newton, Adam Parsons, Robert Raven, Linda Rayor, Joseph Schubert, Robert Whyte.
With extra special thanks to Robert Whyte, Liz MacRaild and Grisper!
Featured sightings
Champion Spotter
Highest overall score for an individual based on sightings submitted.
Prize: LED Headlamp and Maratus DVD
overall score: 10,711
Champion Identifier
Highest score from correct IDs provided by an individual (through the in-game QuestaLab or the QuestaGame's Bio-Expertise Engine) during the competition and until the time that all competition sightings have been verified.
Prize: Binoculars
overall score: 2,659
Champion Spotter - Best Find
Highest scoring individual sighting.
score: 745
Phonognatha pallida
* Note: Awarded to a runner-up player as per BioQuest Prizes rules.
Champion Spotter - Best photo
As judged by QuestaGame staff.
Prize: UV Spotlight and 30x Pocket Microscope
Winning image:
Image: Wolf Spider by Ben Revell, CC BY-NC
Active Adventurer Prize Draw
One winner randomly drawn from all registered competitors who submit at least 9 sightings within the competition period.
Prize: $50 online voucher for Biome
Major prize sponsor:
Prize draw sponsor:
Check out this video submitted by experienced QuestGame player Ben Revell. He shares his special tips and tricks for finding spiders and getting good photos with your phone. You can also check out some of his awesome arachnid photos here.
In 'The Things that Sting', this first video from QuestaGame's #1 ranked player, Grisper explores his own backyard for small creatures that many people would shy away from. On adventures like this, it's always important to stay safe, and resist the urge to handle the wildlife!
BioQuesting with QuestaGame will empower you to experience, learn about, and protect the diversity of life on Earth. You'll be taken on an adventure into nature, where you'll see the life around you in a whole new light.
experience nature on real outdoor adventures.
learn secrets of the life around you with expert feedback on all your sightings.
help protect the environment
your sightings will contribute to biodiversity research.
your entry fee will help support QuestaGame's environmental partners (learn how).
QuestaGame members receive free entry to all BioQuests.
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